What is a grass trimmer and how to choose it

For today, almost every site near the house has a lawn or lawn with grass. It can be either a small or a large plot. The lawn is an excellent place to relax, and can also serve as a sports playground, football fields, etc. But in order to keep it in order, it takes a lot of time and effort. In our time there is a fairly large selection of all kinds of garden tools that help in proper form to support the site. This can be a common lawnmower, they are used in large areas, and many other tools.


What is a grass trimmer and how to choose it
Image: https://www.flickr.com/photos/29071316@N06/

What is a grass trimmer?

Not so long ago, manufacturers began to offer tools such as a grass trimmer. We can say that this tool refers to a variety of lawn mowers and is a variant of the modern mechanised braid, very often the strimmer is called the electric brush. This design was invented in 1972. Due to its practicality and ease of use, it quickly gained popularity among many owners of country houses and villas.

The trimmer consists of a long bar on which the motor is fixed; The haircut is due to the working head. It cuts the trimmer with a special fishing line. With a strong rotation of the line forms a string and at high speed very quickly and qualitatively cuts the grass. In the area where many bushes and trees are planted, the lawn mower can not help much, and the strimmer is able to cope with hard-to-reach places because of its compactness, maneuverability and lightness. This is a practical and functional garden tool, without which it is impossible to do to maintain the proper order on green lawns.

Types of trim tabs their advantages and disadvantages

Trimmers are divided into several types: electric, gasoline and battery.

Gasoline Trimmers

Gasoline trim tabs are equipped with powerful air-cooled engines. For their work, a special fuel is needed, which consists of gasoline and engine oil; It is mixed in certain proportions. Correctly observed proportions will ensure high-quality work and durability of the engine tool. Petrol strimmer is considered a professional tool and is designed for large amounts of work.


  • Mobility – a trimmer without restrictions can move in any direction, which makes the work convenient and uncomplicated.
  • High performance. In a short time, you can cope with large areas.
  • Power.
  • Convenience and practicality.


  • The presence of exhaust gases.
  • High noise and vibration.
  • In maintenance, it is more difficult, than other kinds.
  • High enough cost.
  • It’s a lot of weight.

Electric Trimmer

The electric trimmer has a cable, it must be connected to an electrical network. There are electric strimmers in which the motor can be located both above and below. The top position of the motor makes the tool more practical and convenient, it is possible to work practically under any weather conditions. The lower position of the motor does not allow performing work in the presence of moisture, although such a tool is considered by many to be more manoeuvrable.


  • Compact and comfortable.
  • Excellent manoeuvrability.
  • A small weight of the instrument.
  • Virtually no noise and vibration.
  • Easy to maintain.


  • Small capacity, does not allow cutting off thick roots and branches.
  • The presence of a connected cable limits the movement.
  • Suitable almost for home only.

Cordless Trimmers

Cordless trimmers work with a built-in rechargeable battery, which requires regular recharging, every 20 to 30 minutes.


  • Comfortable and light.
  • Practically noiseless.
  • Maneuverable.
  • Mobile.
  • Do not require fuel.
  • Can be used in hard-to-reach places.
  • They have low cost.


  • Require constant charging.
  • Have a small capacity.
  • Suitable for small and low grass.
  • Suitable as an additional tool.
  • A small choice.

Basic criteria for choosing a trimmer

In order to properly choose this tool, you need to decide for what purposes you need it.

The most important indicator is the power and type of the engine. If you need to process a large area, with abundant vegetation and plants that have thick stems, you definitely need to choose a trimmer with a powerful engine, gasoline ones are best suited. They will cope with this task without interruption. If it is a small lawn near the house, then you can use an electric or battery. It must be remembered that an electric strimmer can not be used during rain and with a high, humidity of grass.

Still need to pay attention to the cutting element of the trimmer. It can be a fishing line or a metal knife. Lesko is more convenient to use in those areas where there are stones, and a metal knife – on flat lawns, without stones and any plantings. In addition, the knives can be of various shapes, it all depends on what needs to be processed.

It is also necessary to know that there is a straight and curved view of the motor rod. The first option is more reliable and practical, this certainly affects the cost of the instrument. The second kind is not so practical and durable.

When choosing a trimmer, it is desirable to pay attention to the shape of the handle. The semicircular handle is mainly designed for difficult and inaccessible places, and the handle in the form of the letter “T”, is convenient for an even and open surface of the site.

Much importance is attached to the weight of the instrument. For minor work, it is best to choose a lighter and more compact device, this will ease the load on your hands and allow you to quickly perform a haircut.

Features of operation of different types of trimmer

Almost like all tools, trimmers require careful storage and compliance with all operating rules. After work, the tool must be cleaned, remove grass dust and debris. Do not forget that the electric trimmer requires regular breaks in the work, in order to allow the engine to cool down and rest. For mowing bushes and tall grass, you need to use special nozzles. Also, in rainy or wet weather, and even when there is a lot of dew on the grass, electric trimmers, especially with the lower engine, can not be used.

Working with the gasoline strimmer, when servicing it, you must use gear lubrication, observe the correct ratio of gasoline and engine oil. Many models at work independently control the engine overheating and are automatically switched off. At a figured shearing of bushes or grasses, it is best to use garden scissors.

Which trimmer is better?

Asking such a question, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer. In many ways, the choice of this tool depends on the size of the site, the quality of grass and lawn and much more.

If it is necessary to process a large area with high grass and weeds, then, of course, a powerful gasoline strimmer is best. He will cope without problems with the task due to his power and manoeuvrability. Sometimes in many cottages, there is no electricity, then this option will be just right. Very often, professional gasoline trim tabs are used in the municipal economy, commercial organisations, etc. They are excellent at coping with large volumes and works of increased complexity.

The electric trimmer is perfect for small lawns and lawns, it is only necessary that there is an electrical network nearby. It is a compact, noiseless tool, which differs manoeuvrability and convenience in work. In addition, it has a small weight, it does a good job.

Also for a small area, you can also use a trimmer, which works on battery, that is, battery. Such a tool has increased manoeuvrability and convenience, working with it is very simple and easy.

Trimmers – one of the most functional and practical mechanisms that not only gently put in order any lawn, but also perfectly cope with work in uncomfortable places. They are easy to use, comfortable and convenient. Thanks to this tool, your lawn will always be well-groomed and beautiful, without much effort and expense.

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