How to choose a drill

The drill is one of the most essential and commonly used tools in the home and in the workplace. With it you can perform various tasks: to drill holes in wood, brick, metal, tighten screws, kneading solution, adhesive for tiles and other objects.

All power is divided into classes: consumer and professional.

How to choose a drill

What is the difference? The most important difference – this time of continuous operation. For example: if a household drill can work no more than 20 minutes, and then will need to make a break of 5-10 minutes, and then continue. This is to ensure that the engine has cooled down.

In professional drills, there is no need, at least work from morning till night. Typically, for domestic use (work at home) is enough and 20 minutes. Hang a shelf, lockers, drill a few holes, enough time “for the eyes.” In the production of waiting, of course, luxury.

The main parameters that should look for when buying this tool: power, speed control, the diameter of the cartridge and its kind (keyless or key), reverse, shock or unstressed drill.

Power. This parameter affects the maximum diameter of the drill, which can clamp a chuck. The larger the diameter of the drill, the more powerful need a drill. This is important when drilling large holes in wood (over 1 “), metal, low-power drill simply can not cope with this task. As a powerful drill is good for mixing cement, tile adhesives, their consistency is very dense, so to rotate the mixer, good power needed. (700-800Vt) have experience of kneading and 500 W with a drill, but the tool gets very hot, engine wear is also quite large, which leads to a significant reduction in life but also low-power drill (500 W or less) have their advantages. a convenient to twist and twist the screws. conveniently drill holes of small diameter (must be careful), due to the fact that it is lightweight, easy to handle. the more powerful the drill, so it is harder.

speed adjustment. The main purpose of this option – a drilling metal. This should be done to the roofing at low speed (approximately 500). If the full speed of about 2800 r / min, the expose about “the eye.” Also useful is a function for screws, expose turnovers to a minimum and you can work. Virtually all of the drills has on board a function (95%). There is a model in which control is carried out only by clicking on the Start button. The stronger the presses, the cartridge is spinning faster.

The diameter of the cartridge type of cartridge. Most drills clamped drill 1/16 “to 1/2”.

Reverse. The purpose of this function – is tightening / unscrewing screws and drill bits for drilling left.

Impact drill or unstressed. Most of the drills on the market have a shock function. It does not affect the final price of the drill without impact is often more of a shock. The strike is required for drilling in brick, concrete, although the latter does not recommend drilling a drill (very slow, inefficient), it is better to use a puncher. This feature can be easily disabled (switching shock button), the drill becomes unstressed because the rest of drilling (wood, metal, plastic) should be absolutely no impact.

There are a number of minor points that should be noted: it and the handle, design, ease of use (as lies in your hand). But this stuff, although pleasant.

There is a drill with a two-speed, high-power (1200 watts) capable of pinching the conical drill for drilling large diameter metal (more than 16 mm). You can insert them in the normal patron. Suitable mixing large volumes of solution.

With regard to the manufacturers of well established in the domestic segment of the “Skill”, “Black and Decker”, “Stalwart“. Professional: “Bosch“, “Makita”, “Hitachi”. The best-known manufacturers. Most drills, as in other matters, and other tools, mainly assembled in China (about 90%). If it is not their own production, as a tool assembled at the factory and on the license, then the quality is not affected, although the word “China” scares many people.

Deciding how to choose the drill, everyone decides for himself, as long as it is suitable for the tasks.

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